Water, Sanitation and Health

Strategies for Northern Development (SND) is dedicated to improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services, particularly for underserved and vulnerable communities. Our initiatives focus on increasing access to safe drinking water, enhancing sanitation facilities, and promoting good hygiene practices, all in alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on clean water and sanitation.

SND’s efforts will target the provision of potable water, the promotion of household hygiene, and addressing various WASH challenges to reduce the prevalence of waterborne diseases. We aim to improve community sanitation by scaling up water treatment at the household level, conducting regular water sampling, and enhancing hygiene promotion and water source protection. These interventions are expected to contribute significantly to healthier living conditions by preventing a range of diseases.

Achieving adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, including the elimination of open defecation, requires special attention to the needs of women, girls, and vulnerable populations. Our emphasis is on establishing inclusive sanitation and hygiene policies and practices that ensure no one is left behind. SND remains committed to promoting equality for the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable, with a specific focus on empowering women and girls through improved menstrual hygiene management and other targeted interventions.


  • CLTS [Community Led Total Sanitation] training
  • Up scaling water treatment at household level plus water sampling
  • Up scaling hygiene promotion
  • School Health up scaling
  • Water source protection
  • Capacity building for community and health care workers/ stakeholders
  • Vector control at house hold level
  • Celebration of World Toilet and hand washing Day
  • Construction of sanitation facilities



  • Addressing gender-based violence, including sexual violence and female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Challenging stigma and discrimination, attitudes and laws that undermine human rights,
  • Increasing access to comprehensive reproductive health services for poor, vulnerable and marginalized people
  • Improving sexual health of young people and girls, including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and addressing child and early forced marriage (CEFM)


  • Increase awareness about HIV/AIDS and STIs among local communities, construction workers, contractors and transport business communities.
  • Effective behavior change program established through information and education campaigns (IECs), community mobilization, social marketing, and condom distribution.
  • Comprehensive HIV testing and STI treatment packages delivered at clinics and Medical centers
  • Improve HIV/AIDS and STI monitoring system including epidemiological surveillance

Maternal and Neonatal Health

  • Up scaling of ANC services for all pregnant mothers
  • Up scaling of safe delivery
  • Up scaling of postnatal care
  • Up scaling of immunization coverage for under 5 years
  • Up scaling of PMTCT service plus early infant diagnosis
  • Increased exclusive breast feeding and optimal complimentary feeding
  • Capacity Building