
1. Project: Building child trafficking free zones in Urban and Rural Kenya with support from Terre des Hommes Netherlands

This is 3 years (2018-2020) child protection project implemented by African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN), Movement against Child Trafficking and Strategies for Northern Development (SND). The overall objective of the project is to prevent and respond to trafficking and unsafe migration of children in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020

Specific Objectives:
  • To enhance evidence based programming, knowledge management, support learning and share good practices in addressing child trafficking &; unsafe migration in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020.
  • To strengthen the capacities of existing institutions and structures and facilitate the creation of others, such as places of safety, to effectively respond to child trafficking and unsafe migration of children in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020.
  • To carry out policy advocacy for the Government to adequately implement laws and policies that protects children from trafficking and unsafe migration by December 2020.
  • To facilitate coordination, networking and partnerships to effectively provide services to children vulnerable to or victims of trafficking and unsafe migration in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020.
  • Launching of the programme in Mandera and Marsabit counties more so to create awareness on child trafficking in order to safeguard the right of children. Hundred members of the public were reached and to cascade the same information to friends and other members of the society.
  • Provide educational assistance to the vulnerable children by paying school fees for them, purchase of school uniforms, shoes and books. Eighteen (18) children were reached where nine (9) were girls and the other nine (9) were boys.
  • Engaged fourteen (14) media houses in Mandera and Marsabit where we created awareness to the public on child trafficking, child neglect and violation of children rights. Over four thousand (4000) members of the community were reached.
  • The project also provided thirteen (13) of its beneficiaries with donkeys to facilitate them to start income generating activities to support their families.
  • This year (2019), we supported twelve (12) beneficiaries with seed capital of Kes 20,000 each to start or expand the existing business as a way of strengthening them economically.
  • As one of the main stakeholder in addressing child trafficking the law enforcement officers were capacity built on child trafficking and also on counter trafficking of person act so that children will get legal justice as required.
  • Trained thirty (30) teachers on child trafficking and children right to spearhead and safe guard the right of children in learning institution and within our community especially right to education. They assist in fighting early marriages that affect our girls at tender age.
  • Managed to link different social protection unit within our community to help less fortunate children to have access to education.
  • Through public participation members of our community were able to add their views to the new national plan of action 2018-2022 on combating human and child trafficking.
  • Supported children from Moyale sub-county to celebrate the day of African child in partnership with children services and World vision. This also enhanced child participation in driving matters that affect them to relevant department and actors.

2. Building Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Children and their families/Communities against drought and other disaster Risks in Marsabit County, Northern Kenya supported by Terre des Hommes Netherlands (2017-2019)

The project seeks to build resilience and adaptive capacity of vulnerable pastoral communities living in Moyale sub County of Marsabit County while also ensuring protection of children from the threat of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. The project further involved activities geared toward enhancing children’s capacities through life skills training so that they can contribute to their own protection and that of others

Key Achievements:
  • Constructed 3 classrooms and equipped with 40 desks each at Kukub, Gadha and Adadi.
  • Procured school uniforms for 938 students who are vulnerable and who might have dropped out of school were kept in school.
  • Supported 100 students in secondary school with 5,000 each as bursary for 2018.
  • Supported 900 girls in primary and secondary schools with sanitary towels for 12 months of 2018 –Girls continued with classes during menses
  • Supported formation of child right clubs in schools
  • Supported children affected by droughts with Psychosocial support
  • Local communities, teachers, Board of Management and government structures training on child protection in emergencies

3. Uran Secondary School Education Project with Financial Support from Interactions and Solidarity International

  • Constructed a classroom, 2 VIP latrines and a library at Uran mixed secondary school

4. Orphans and Vulnerable Children project with financial support from USAID through Aphiaplus Imarisha Consortium (2013-2018)

  • 200 OVCs supported with bursaries to promote enrollment and retention
  • 250 OVCs provided with school uniform
  • 100 care givers benefitted from multi-storey gardening
  • 100 OVC provided with ken bro chicken to boast their nutritional support
  • 25 PLWHIV provided with nutrition education
  • 500 OVCs provided with meals during sporting and fun days
  • 25 PLWHIV supported during their psychosocial monthly meetings
  • 100 depleted shelters for OVC HHs renovated
  • 84 OVC provided with beddings and other items
  • 250 OVCs (girl child) supported with sanitary towels to promote retention and hygiene
  • 500 OVCs provided with birth certificates
  • Vocational training graduates supported with 11 sewing machines
  • 100 Care givers supported with Goats