1. Sustainable food systems programme with Financial support from World Food Programme WFP-2019-2022.
- Food aid to 9168HHs (55,008) for 8 months /year for 5 years targeting 15/20 wards in Marsabit County
2. Emergency Response to mitigate the adverse effects of Droughts in Marsabit County Northern Kenya: With financial support from Terre des Hommes Netherlands (July 2017-Jan 2018).
The emergency appeal seeks to improve food security situation, access to safe drinking water and protection of children from the threat of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence among the drought stricken population of Northern Kenya specifically Marsabit County.
Key Achievements:
- Food security of 518 HHs maintained at Kes 3000/HHs/Month for 6 months through cash transfer programming.
- 3000 HHs supported with safe and clean drinking water for a period of 6 months.
- Children affected by droughts were protected from the threat of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.
3. Emergency Food Relief Project with financial support from Christensen Fund (Jan-Feb 2017)
- Provision of food relief to 667 HHs for 2 months
4. Emergency Food Relief Project with financial support from Interactions and Solidarity International (April-September 2016 and February-March 2017)
- Provision of food relief to 340 HHs for 6 and 2 months