
1. Sustainable Food Systems Programme:

This is 5 years USAID/WFP funded program targeting smallholder producers, food-insecure and vulnerable populations benefit from more sustainable, inclusive food systems and increased resilience to climate shocks to meet food and nutrition needs by 2023. In partnership with county Government of Marsabit, Isiolo and Samburu the project supports creation of assets and transfer of knowledge, skills and climate risk management tools to support adaptation to climate change, diversified livelihoods & better nutrition. The program further facilitates access to markets and provides technical expertise in supply chain to promote inclusive commercial food systems & enhance consumption of safe, nutritious & diversified foods. The program envisages that target communities are able to determine, create and utilize productive assets and diversified and sustainable food production systems, receive conditional in kind or cash based transfers to address immediate food consumption gaps and receive comprehensive package of nutrition interventions including nutrition education and skills transfer, linkages to social protection schemes and essential health and nutrition services including provision of micronutrient powders in order to improve their nutrition status.

2. Building Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Children and their families/Communities against drought and other disaster Risks in Marsabit County, Northern Kenya supported by Terre des Hommes Netherlands (2017-2019):

The project seeks to build resilience and adaptive capacity of vulnerable pastoral communities living in Moyale sub county of Marsabit County while also ensuring protection of children from the threat of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. It initially started as a 6-month emergency response project using cash transfer targeting 518 HHs and later graduated into recovery and resilience building interventions to strengthen the capacity of communities and local government structures against future shocks. Additionally, the project involved activities geared toward enhancing children’s capacities through life skills training so that they can contribute to their own protection and that of others. Capacity development for out of school children especially the adolescent group is also done on income generating activities. Key achievement under this project includes; Formation of child rights clubs in nine (9) schools (Damballa fachana,Badan rero,Gada,Amballo,Kukub,Adadi,Rawana,funan Qumbi and Elleborr) ,Psychosocial support/regular station days for children previously affected by drougts, local communities,teachers, Board of Management and government structures training on child protection in emergencies, Provision of schools uniforms to nine hundred (900) pupils,Bursaries to hundred (100) most vulbnerable high school students,seed capital of kes 20,000 to 20 most vulnerable child mothers and adolescent youths to start a small business, Entreprenuership training for women and girls, construction of 3 class rooms at Gada,kukub and Adadi and equiping with 50 desks each ,construction of 100,000 litres under ground water tank in Rawana,Provision of water treatment chemicals,dignitary towels to nine hundred thirty eight (938) girls/month and provision of fourteen(14) 10,000 litres plastic storage tanks to schools and communities.

3. Integrated Programme to Build Resilience and Adaptive Capacities of IDPs and Vulnerable Host Communities in Elleborr area of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County-Northern Kenya

With support  from French organization Interactions and Solidarity International, SND designed a holistic 3 years integrated relief, recovery and reconstruction program for the host community and IDPs which were displaced from their homes in Badha Hurri in North Horr Sub county to Elle Borr location of Sololo Sub-county following a tribal clashes between 2012-2014.

Th program has  5 components:

(1). Six (6) months food relief/complementary food assistance for 340 HHs displaced from Badha Hurri  and some host communities (Also targeting supplimentary feeding programme (TSFP) treatment for malnourished children) –SND  managed the purchase of food from the local vendors and distribution of food to target population;

(2). Shelter construction for the most vulnerable IDPs (52 two rooms mabati house has been constructed so far);

(3). Water and Hygiene Support (water trucking during drought,distribution of water treatment chemicals,hygiene promotion training,construction of latrines, desalination of the Ellebor borehole and provision of 10,000 litres storage tanks);

(4). Development of Education infrastructures (construction of additional classrooms, library and provision of learning materials);

(5). Alternative Livelihoods Development: these includes Bee keeping as an alternative livelihoods, small scale agriculture/growing of kales and tomatoes using innovative drought resistant Amiran technologies, training of women and youth groups on soap making, tailoring and use of recycled materials.

4. Building on indigeneous knowledge and institution to improve livelihoods and resilience of pastoral and agro pastoralist communties in Obbu,Uran and Sololo ward of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County (2017-2019):

This project is supported by US based foundation called The Christensen Fund. While the first phase of the project targeted Uran ward of Sololo sub-county, subsequent phases targeted the entire three wards of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County. The project seeks to enhance livelihoods and adaptive capacity of pastoral and agro pastoral communities in order to build their resilience and increase food security through measures that are supportive of their traditional knowledge, institution, culture and self-determined development. When the 2017 drought intensified in Marsabit County the project supported the target population with food and nutrition assistance. Key achievements includes; training on pastoral and agro pastoral adaptation practices (fodder conservation, hay making, disease and pest control), formation & Operationalization of Indigenous Community Forest Association-CFA, community awareness creation & Dialogue Session on importance of “KALO”-dry season grazing reserves, engagement with traditional/indigenous resourceful persons on Ethno-veterinary knowledge mapping, revitalization of indigenous customary institution “DEDHA-COUNCIL” for natural resource management and awareness creation-dissemination among healers, community research institution on the value of ethno veterinary knowledge.