Protection, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Protection, gender equality, and inclusion are intertwined pillars, grounded in centuries of global movements and legal frameworks. These principles, while distinct, share a unified goal: to guarantee everyone’s equal rights, safety, and participation, transcending differences in gender, race, age, nationality, ethnicity, ability, or any other distinguishing characteristics.
Individual experiences and vulnerabilities to disasters, conflicts, and crises can significantly differ based on these factors, influencing not only the risks faced but also the resilience and recovery capabilities of individuals and communities. Moreover, emergencies often exacerbate existing inequalities, leading to a surge in sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), violence against children, and human trafficking during and in the aftermath of such situations.
In this context, protection focuses on preventing violence and ensuring safety from harm. Gender equality aims at eliminating discrimination by recognizing and addressing the varied needs, risks, and strengths of individuals. Inclusion is about actively combating exclusion by ensuring that those often marginalized are meaningfully included and engaged in SND’s interventions.
Functional formal and informal community based child protection mechanism.
- Support establishment/strengthening/training of AACs at Sub county, Ward and locational levels.
- Facilitate formation of thematic committees (FGM, OVC, SEA) in AACs
- Support Quarterly monitoring AACs meetings.
- Support training of local leaders on Child rights and protection.
- Support community dialogues and awareness meetings on CR, protection through community conversations and training of parents on positive parenting skills and positive discipline skills
- Support county children assemblies, children parliament, children clubs, and children committees and children voices.
- Support County and Sub County level working groups for CP and education.
Increased access to Child friendly schools and learning environment
- Construct and equip
- Classrooms in Primary Schools and ECD Centres
- Dormitories in primary and Secondary schools
- Dining halls in schools
- Administration blocks
- Construct Laboratories
- Construct staff units
- Construct VIP latrines
- Construct and equip libraries
- Support provision of bursaries and uniforms to OVCs and MVCs
- Support provision of dignitary kits to girls, Menstrual Hygiene Management, and Hygiene Education
- Support integrated early childhood development and education services through early stimulation and learning, engagement of community stakeholders and caregivers
- Increase opportunities to bring back OOSC into school with a special focus on girls, children with disability and marginalized children from ASAL and informal settlements through community mobilization interventions and capacity building of stakeholders
Life skill program for children in and out of school established.
- Support training on life skills peer educators
- Support training of teachers facilitators of children life skills clubs
- Establish/strengthen children life skills clubs
- Support children life skills clubs’ activities
- Support children education visits to forums for life skills
- Support training of faith based leaders to support spiritual nurture of children
Reporting mechanisms for Child abuse improved/ strengthened
- Support training for Law enforcers (Police, Chiefs, judicial officers, SEA) on child friendly methodologies of handling child abuse cases.
- Support establishment of child protection desks at police stations
- Support identification and training of Volunteer Children Officers
- Support training of AACs and community own resources persons such as opinion leaders on identification and reporting for child abuse.
- Support forums for strengthening reporting on child abuse.
Referral Mechanism for child abuse strengthened
- Support training for health workers and teachers on child friendly referral methodologies of handling child abuse cases.
- Support linkage of trained persons to Child help line and referral partners.
- Support legal aid to cases of child abuse through referral legal aid partners
- Facilitate training of Para legal officers to support handling of child abuse cases
- Support production of IEC materials on child protection messaging (e.g. through local radio station).
- Support legal partners to provide legal services for child abuse cases
Improved access to educational opportunities for children recovering from sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), Child Trafficking (CT) and other abuses.
- Support AACs to identify formal and informal education opportunities for eligible children
- Support children identified with basic requirements for education. This is a focus on the most vulnerable children who will have been identified through an agreed on criteria with AAC and community opinion leaders
- Support AACs to identify vocational training opportunities for eligible children
- Support children in vocational training with basic requirements and starter kits.
- Support AACs to link children to economic opportunities after training. SND will support an assessment at the onset of the any project to identify economic opportunities in the communities to help link these children. It will also link to the existing and or future economic empowerment programme activities within the Counties
Improved access to psychosocial support for children recovering from child trafficking (CT), sexual exploitation abuse (SEA) and other abuse
- Support implementation of Interpersonal Therapy for Groups (IPTG) for children who have suffered SEA.
- Support community sensitization on foster & kinship care for children.
- Support community dialogues on foster and Kinship care for children
- Support home visitors as a subcommittee for the AAC
Community Based mechanism support for integration of children who have suffered abuse i.e. SEA, CT.
- Support community sensitization on tracing and integration of children.
- In partnership with department for Children Service support tracing and reintegration of children
- Support School Management Committees and PTAs conduct reintegration of rescued children to the communities
Enhanced abandonment of harmful practices
- Support enforcement of the legal provisions prohibiting FGM and child marriage by providing technical support to the relevant government agencies to enhance their capacity to enforce the law, such as the capacity of the police, prosecution and the judiciary to identify, investigate and try these cases involving child marriage and FGM,
- Facilitate engagement and dialogue with the practicing communities including with boys and girls, men and women to enhance knowledge on the negative impacts of the practices and empower families and communities to reject harmful practices.
Sustained protection of children during Emergencies i.e. Drought
- Provide care and support for unaccompanied and separated children, family tracing and reunification, including provision of psychosocial support and individualized care to traumatized children during emergencies
- Support strengthening of community based Child protection Mechanisms to prevent and protect children from abuse and exploitation during emergencies,
- Support prevention of SGBV during crisis and offer support to survivors among the refugee and host community, and
- Support strengthening of Information Management and Coordination. This will entail a coordinated emergency preparedness, response and recovery interventions and mainstreaming of CPiE in other sector preparedness and response strategies
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