#Drought Response

Building on indigeneous knowledge and institution to improve livelihoods and resilience of pastoral and agro pastoralist communties in Obbu,Uran and Sololo ward of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County (2017-2019):

This project is supported by US based foundation called The Christensen Fund. While the first phase of the project targeted Uran ward of Sololo sub-county, subsequent phases targeted the entire three wards of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County.

The project seeks to enhance livelihoods and adaptive capacity of pastoral and agro pastoral communities in order to build their resilience and increase food security through measures that are supportive of their traditional knowledge, institution, culture and self-determined development.

When the 2017 drought intensified in Marsabit County the project supported the target population with food and nutrition assistance. Key achievements includes; training on pastoral and agro pastoral adaptation practices (fodder conservation, hay making, disease and pest control), formation & Operationalization of Indigenous Community Forest Association-CFA, community awareness creation & Dialogue Session on importance of “KALO”-dry season grazing reserves, engagement with traditional/indigenous resourceful persons on Ethno-veterinary knowledge mapping, revitalization of indigenous customary institution “DEDHA-COUNCIL” for natural resource management and awareness creation-dissemination among healers, community research institution on the value of ethno veterinary knowledge.