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Building Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Children and their families/Communities against drought and other disaster Risks in Marsabit County, Northern Kenya supported by Terre des Hommes Netherlands (2017-2018):
This project seeks to build resilience and adaptive capacity of vulnerable pastoral communities living in Moyale sub county of Marsabit County while also ensuring protection of children from the threat of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. It initially started as a 6-month emergency response project using cash transfer targeting 518 HHs and later graduated into a recovery and resilience building interventions to /strengthen the capacity of communities and local government structures against future shocks. Additionally, the project involved activities geared toward enhancing children’s capacities through life skills training so that they can contribute to their own protection and that of others. Capacity development for out of school children especially the adolescent group is also done on income generating activities. Key achievement under this project includes; Formation of child rights clubs in 9 schools (Damballa fachana, Badanrero, Gada, Amballo, Kukub, Adadi, Rawana, Funan Qumbi and Elleborr), psychosocial support/regular station days for children previously affected by droughts, local communities, teachers, Board of management and government structures training on child protection in emergencies, provision of schools uniforms to 900 pupils, bursaries to 100 most vulnerable high school students, seed capital of Kes 20,000 to 20 most vulnerable mothers and adolescent youths to start a small business, Entreprenuership training for women and girls, construction of 3 class rooms at Gada, kukub and Adadi, purchase of 150 desks, construction of 100,000 litres under ground water tank in Rawana, provision of water treatment chemicals, dignitary towels to 900 girls/month and provision of fourteen(14) 10,000 litres plastic storage tanks to schools and communities.
Integrated Programme to Build Resilience and Adaptive Capacities of IDPs and Vulnerable Host Communities in Elleborr area of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County-Northern Kenya (2016 – 2020):
With support from French organization Interactions and Solidarity International, SND designed a holistic 3 years integrated relief, recovery and reconstruction program for the host community and IDPs which were displaced from their homes in Badha Hurri in North Horr Sub county to Elle Borr location of Sololo Sub-county following a tribal clashes in 2012-2014.
This program has 5 components: (1). Six (6) months food relief/complementary food assistance for 340 HHs displaced from Badha Hurri and some host communities (Also targeting supplementary feeding programme (TSFP) treatment for malnourished children) –SND managed the purchase of food from the local vendors and distribution of food to target population; (2). Shelter construction for the most vulnerable IDPs (52 two rooms mabati house has been constructed so far); (3). Water and Hygiene Support (water trucking during drought, distribution of water treatment chemicals, hygiene promotion training, construction of latrines, desalination of the Ellebor borehole and provision of 10,000 litres storage tanks); (4). Development of Education infrastructures (construction of additional classrooms, library and provision of learning materials); (5). Alternative Livelihoods Development: these includes Bee keeping as an alternative livelihoods, small scale agriculture/growing of kales and tomatoes using innovative drought resistant Amiran technologies, training of women and youth groups on soap making, tailoring and use of recycled materials.
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Building on indigeneous knowledge and institution to improve livelihoods and resilience of pastoral and agro pastoralist communties in Obbu,Uran and Sololo ward of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County (2017-2019)
This project is supported by US based foundation called The Christensen Fund. While the first phase of the project targeted Uran ward of Sololo sub-county, subsequent phases targeted the entire three wards of Sololo Sub County in Marsabit County. The project seeks to enhance livelihoods and adaptive capacity of pastoral and agro pastoral communities in order to build their resilience and increase food security through measures that are supportive of their traditional knowledge, institution, culture and self-determined development. When the 2017 drought intensified in Marsabit County the project supported the target population with food and nutrition assistance. Key achievements includes; training on pastoral and agro pastoral adaptation practices (fodder conservation, hay making, disease and pest control), formation & Operationalization of Indigenous Community Forest Association-CFA, community awareness creation & Dialogue Session on importance of “KALO”-dry season grazing reserves, engagement with traditional/indigenous resourceful persons on Ethno-veterinary knowledge mapping, revitalization of indigenous customary institution “DEDHA-COUNCIL” for natural resource management and awareness creation-dissemination among healers, community research institution on the value of ethno veterinary knowledge.
Building Sustainable Peace and Development among Cross Border Communities of Northern Kenya (Marsabit County) and Borana Zone of Southern Ethiopia (2014 – 2019):
Also known as PEACE III, this is five years (2014-2019) regional cross border conflict transformation program funded by USAID through Pact Kenya and Mercy Corps along the borders of five countries namely Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan and Uganda. SND in collaboration with inter Africa group-IAG from Ethiopia are the local partners for Pact Kenya to implement the project along Marsabit County- Southern Ethiopia border. The overarching goal of the project is to strengthen cross border conflict management in the Horn of Africa. It aimed to achieve three main results; Enhancing community social reconciliation process, Mobilize community peace building capacities and local/county Governments Partner with there Cross-Border Counterparts and Communities in Conflict Management. The pinnacle of this project was the signing of the reviewed Dukana-Dillo-Maikona declaration (an alternative dispute resolution frameworks) by Gabra-Borana people of Marsabit County and Borana from Borena Zone of Southern Ethiopia. The declaration was able to stabilize relations between the two cross border communities and enabled them to coexist/live together, resolve conflicts, share grazing and water resources and conduct cross border trade.
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Promoting Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights Education among Pastoralists Communities in Northern Kenya (2015-2020):
This project supported by Amplify Change-a consortium in UK of (Mannion Daniels, Global fund for women and African Women Development Fund), has been instrumental in promoting initiatives aimed at empowering communities to advocate effectively on Sexual and Reproductive Health Right (SRHR) issues by increasing their capacity to formulate policy priorities, monitor their implementation and influence decision-makers. This include community outreach activities, campaigns to enhance delivery of SRH services, youth led peer education campaigns, formation of Youth Advocate Groups, promoting the meaningful participation of youth and women in decision-makings; and increase access to youth-friendly reproductive & sexual health information and services. It is implemented in Moyale Sub-county targeting 20,000 populations.
Building Child trafficking free zones in Rural and urban Kenya (2018-2020) with support from Terre des Hommes Netherlands:
This was a 3 years project supported by Terre des Hommes Netherlands and implemented by African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN),Movement Against Child Trafficking (MACT) and Strategies for Northern Development (SND) with overall objective of preventing and responding to trafficking and unsafe migration of children in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020.The specific objectives are; To enhance evidence based programming, knowledge management, support learning and share good practices in addressing child trafficking & unsafe migration of children in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020, to strengthen the capacities of existing institutions and structures and facilitate the creation of others, such as places of safety, to effectively respond to child trafficking and unsafe migration in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020, to carry out policy advocacy for the Government to adequately implement laws and policies that protect children from trafficking and unsafe migration by December 2020, to facilitate coordination, networking and partnerships to effectively provide services to children vulnerable to or victims of trafficking and unsafe migration in Nairobi, Busia, Mandera and Marsabit Counties by December 2020.
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Documenting and promoting community understanding and adaptation to climatic change in Moyale sub county, Northern Kenya supported by IWKL/RSF Social Finance:
This project responded to a dwindling trend of the number of Elders, astrologists, entrails readers and local historians who provided accounts of social, political and environmental occurrences over the years and revealed the potentials of a community to reclaim their practices of adaptation to changing times. We recovered past stories on climate, weather, and survival, and together with community members of Moyale sub-county, involved resource persons, particularly the village elders, culture bearers, and authorities from scientific agencies to put together a comprehensive picture and plan of how traditional practices past and present, science, and indigenous knowledge can mitigate the harsh consequences of climate change, and help communities adapt and recover.
Enhancing HIV/AIDS Awareness ,prevention and training among construction workers and host communities along Turbi-Moyale Road supported by African Development Bank through Kenya National Highways Authority:
This is a Government of Kenya and African Development Fund (ADF) funded HIV/AIDS project implemented from 2014 to 2015 targeting construction workers operating along Turbi–Moyale road project and host communities. The goal of the project is to prevent an increase in spread of HIV/AIDS by reducing potential negative social impacts associated with the implementation and operation of the Turbi-Moyale Roads Development Project. The purpose of the project is to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV/AIDS and STIs among construction workers; local resident communities, particularly the vulnerable poor and minority people; commercial sex workers (CSWs); and truck drivers in the context of ongoing infrastructure development projects.
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Promoting Peaceful and Credible 2017 Elections in Marsabit County Supported by UNDP Amkeni Wakenya
The project was implemented in Marsabit between July 20th and August 8th 2017 therefore contributed towards realization of peaceful coexistence and tolerance among the local communities in Marsabit County while also defusing any politically instigated conflict before, during and after 2017 general election. The focal problem in Marsabit County was politically instigated tribal conflicts.
Pastoralists Capacity Enhancement and Governance Improvement Project Supported by UNDP Kenya:
The project targeted empowering and building the capacity of the community members living in the Moyale and Wajir North Constituencies for enhancement of governance and service delivery with formation and strengthening of Functional community based M&E committee to enhance proper management and monitoring of decentralized funds in the two constituencies, hence improving pastoralists communities livelihood support in the year 2007.